Entered Information
Student Name: Tyler Dupee
Grade: 10
Title: Tetrahedron
Description: What makes this vase unique is it's three sided construction, as well as it's three tiers. The bottom tier is composed of angled flat sides. The middle has an intricate design of intertwined triangles. Finished off with a triangular top.
Dimensions: (L)10 x (W)10 x (H)12.2 (Inches)
Weight: 8.25 Lbs.
School: Pittsville Schools - Pittsville, WI
Teacher: Kristine Doering
Exhibition: The 19th Annual National K12 Ceramic Exhibition

No awards given
Additional Work Info
Clay Vendor: Other, Continental Clay Company
Tool Vendor: Other, Kemper
Glaze Vendor: Amaco, Potters Choice
Kiln Vendor: Skutt
Firing Temp: High Temp
Atmosphere: Oxidation
Cone Number:
Entry Photos