Award Details

Sierra Nevada College
Dear Applicant for the K – 12 NCECA Ceramics Show, We’re excited to collaborate with the National K-12 Exhibition Foundation, Inc. to offer this scholarship opportunity for the K-12 high school exhibit applicants. Sierra Nevada College has a strong ceramics and Fine Arts program. We hope that you will consider applying to SNC where we offer small classes and talented faculty. The ceramics scholarship is for an annual renewable award in the amount of $10,000.00 that will help meet your cost of attendance at SNC. This scholarship will renew for up to four years (eight consecutive semesters) of full-time undergraduate enrollment, for a total scholarship award of $40,000. In order to be considered for the scholarship, please submit a portfolio, which should consist of 5 – 15 images of your artwork. It does not have to be exclusively ceramics, it can be created in any medium. This may be submitted in the form of a digital portfolio sent via email, or on a cd. If you would like to bring work to SNC, we can arrange for a campus visit too. Upon receipt of your portfolio, we’ll contact you to set up a phone interview, or an interview in person. We are looking for hard working, serious art students, who are committed to a liberal arts education. Please note, as a Sierra Nevada Art Scholarship recipient, you must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) annually. The maximum annual Art Scholarship cannot exceed the total amount of undergraduate tuition and fees. If you qualify for federal grants, such as the Pell Grant or a state grant, such as the Nevada Millennium Scholarship, your Art scholarship will be equal to the difference between those awards and the annual cost of tuition and fees at Sierra Nevada College. You can apply to SNC online at no charge at . Please state on your application that you were an applicant to the K-12 ceramics show. You and your family can be proud of your outstanding artistic accomplishments. We view this scholarship opportunity as the start of an important partnership between you, your family, and the Sierra Nevada College community. Mission of Sierra Nevada College Our graduates will be scholars of and contributors to a sustainable world. SNC combines the liberal arts and professional preparedness through an interdisciplinary curriculum which emphasizes entrepreneurial thinking and environmental, social, economic, and educational sustainability. Why SNC Here at Sierra Nevada College, we take on life with momentum and energy. Our Fine Arts studios have 24 hour access, small class sizes, and a sense of close knit community between faculty and students. The faculty are young, accomplished, practicing artists that truly care about the students. We offer a one person show to our BFA students, where they have the gallery exclusively to themselves, and have an individual show announcement, and opening. SNC offers: Learning. Boarding. Exploring. Skiing. Creating. Biking. Analyzing. Hiking. Discovering. At Sierra Nevada College, we reach high, like the mountains around us, and we learn at an incline. Sierra Nevada Ranks Top 20 comprehensive Western colleges... U.S. News & World Report. Location To some, Lake Tahoe is a recreational wonderland made up of world-class resorts and intense natural beauty. To us, Tahoe is a laboratory for learning, where altitude and attitude come together to create a truly unique atmosphere for studying liberal arts. Sierra Nevada College is 1 mile to nearest ski/snowboard resort... 10 resorts within 45 minutes, and it’s walking distance to the lake. You may also be eligible for need-based financial assistance in addition to your potential scholarship. The SNC Office of Financial Aid will begin sending financial aid notification letters to admitted students who have filed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and sent it to SNC. If you filed a FAFSA but did not request that information be sent to SNC, you may do so by making corrections on the Student Aid Report (SAR) you received from the federal student aid program and entering the Sierra Nevada College code number of 009192. If you have questions about how to make corrections, you can contact the FAFSA Help Desk at (800) 4-fed-aid. If you have not filed a FAFSA and you are seeking admission, we encourage you to do so online at Sierra Nevada College awards generous need-based grants to students who have filed the FAFSA. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at: 775.881.7588 or Sheri Leigh O’Connor, Chair, Fine Arts Rick Parsons, Ceramics Professor Sierra Nevada College
Sierra Nevada
Sierra Nevada
999 Tahoe Blvd

Incline Village, NV 89451
(775) 831-1314

Search For Entries

Option Photo Grade Title Student Teacher School City State Award Scholarship
Details 12 Ocean Waves Hoffmann, Colter Young, James Syracuse High School Syracuse UT Yes No
Details 12 Twins Weller , Lillian Huebner, Jeffrey Duncan U. Fletcher HS Neptune Beach FL Yes No
Details 12 Circus Baruffaldi, Jenna Burns, Sean Palmer High School Palmer MA Yes No
Details 12 Ice Cream Sundae Bowl Hansen , Lynsie Younger, Jennifer Hays High Hays KS No Yes
Details 12 Día de los Muertos Garner , Raiden Willis, Daniel McMinnville High School Mcminnville OR Yes No