Entered Information
Student Name: Kayli R
Grade: 11
Title: Bust of Justinian
Description: A bust featuring the Byzantine emperor Justinian as he is depicted in the San Vitale. His angry blue face seethes a rageful energy, and his scornful expression aims to command attention whilst striking fear in the viewers heart. His crown, made of dripping glass beads, creates a halo, causing the viewers eyes to circumambulate around his head and take in the entirety of his face. His body motions toward the viewer, with one shoulder strutting out to the front and one toward the back, creating the illusion of him walking. The individually crafted rusty red curls jutt out of all angles of his head like menacing snakes, which contribute to his fear-inducing appearance. From his wicked scowl to his piercing resin eyes, my work Bust of Justinian intends to epitomize the commanding and pertifying aura of a powerful leader.
Dimensions: (L)10 x (W)8 x (H)18 (Inches)
Weight: 25 Lbs.
School: Jupiter Community High School - Jupiter, FL
Teacher: Brian Kovachik
Exhibition: The 24th Annual National K-12 Ceramic Exhibition, Virtual This Year

Additional Work Info
Clay Vendor: Other, clay from continental
Wheel Vendor: Other, Not applicable
Tool Vendor: Other, Personal tools
Glaze Vendor: Other
Kiln Vendor: Other
Firing Temp: Low Fire
Atmosphere: Oxidation
Cone Number:
Entry Photos