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Student Name: | Mariah A |
Grade: | 11 |
Title: | Treehouse |
Description: | Wheel throw, altered, carved, green chrome oxide, cobalt oxide, rutile oxide, burnt umber oxide, terra sig oxide underglazes. Simplicity isn't something you can find in the world; it's a place that lives inside of you. it's the place that knows what truly matters, it's where the roots dig deep and the branches grow to protect and nourish, its where you know all rights and wrongs and every truth, it's where confusion may not enter. This pot was not something I made to teach the world a lesson or to inspire the world to change. I created what I needed. I was in love with the idea of creating a treehouse as part of a pot. With the opportunity to carve this pot every ounce of me lunged for the chance to make my vision of simplicity. Everything my soul craved, belonging, safety, security, peace, childhood play, innocence, carelessness was mine to create again. I grew up climbing trees. I had two willow trees that still to this day own part of my heart. In my trees I was never confused, I simply was and was loved for it, by those in my life and by my trees. And now, once again, I am reminded that I hold simplicity inside of me, in the place where my roots dig deep. |
Dimensions: | (L)7 x (W)7 x (H)11 (Inches) |
Weight: | 5.5 Lbs. |
School: | Northridge High School - Layton, UT |
Teacher: | Kyle Guymon |
Exhibition: | The 20th Annual National K12 Ceramic Exhibition |
Additional Work Info
Clay Vendor: | Laguna |
Wheel Vendor: | Lockerbie |
Kiln Vendor: | Other, Alpine updraft |
Firing Temp: | High Temp |
Atmosphere: | Oxidation |
Cone Number: |
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