Selected Work

The 23rd Annual National K-12 Ceramic Exhibition
3/25/2020 - 3/27/2020
Keith Williams
Keith J Williams, professor at Concordia University, St. Paul, has been an artist and educator since the late 1970’s. His BS in Art Education is from UW, Madison. His MFA in Ceramics with minors in art history and drawing is from UI, Iowa City. He is an artist, golfer and church musician. He also loves to play jazz on vintage saxes, but primarily he loves teaching. He has shaped the size and direction of the Department of Art and Design at Concordia having served as the Chair of the department 23 out of the last 27 years. Williams has also served as a board member for the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Art’s as Director at Large, President elect, President and Past President as well as On Site conference Planner for the 2019 conference in the Twin Cities. He is now a Fellow of the Council.
Greater Richmond Convention Center
403 N 3rd St
Room B15a
Richmond, VA 23219

Image Title Student Teacher School
Alchemy  George T   Mert, Didem Clay By The Bay - San Francisco, CA 
Tree Pot  Kyle F   Clark, Kelly Middlesex High School - Middlesex, NJ 
Twins  Lillian W   Huebner, Jeffrey Duncan U. Fletcher HS - Neptune Beach, FL 
Melman  Minahil A   Diem, Nicole Century High School - Sykesville, MD 
Chad  Madison D   Diem, Nicole Century High School - Sykesville, MD 
Emerald City  Lucas R   Hyde, Jason Flower Mound High School - Flower Mound , TX 
Geometric Slab Forms  Peter B   Stewart, Priscilla Waterford School - Sandy, UT 
Scaled-Up Air Pod  Kasper N   Stewart, Priscilla Waterford School - Sandy, UT 
Aged Teapot  Matteus S   Ochs, Raymond Jesuit College Prep - Dallas, TX 
Galaxy  Cole L   Ochs, Raymond Jesuit College Prep - Dallas, TX