Board Member Bios
To see more details of on one of our Board of Trustees, please select from the list on the right and their information will be displayed below.
Glen is the President of On Target Professionals, and On Target Professionals provides logistical services for K12 Clay and Glen also acts as the treasurer for K12 Clay.
Board Members
- Glen Frick
- Bob Feder
- Ken and Nancy Ernst
- Keith Brockie
- Geoff Flash
- Steven Branfman
- Nicole Dubrow
- Judith Schwartz
- Lee Burningham
- Billie Sessions
- Robert Lawarre III
- Stephen Lewicki
- Sean Burns
- Russell Kahn
- Julie Neumann
- Matthew Wright
- Brandon Lutterman
- Todd Young
- Jake Zeiher
- Marko Biddle
- Reilly Deller
- Sean Burns