Board Member Bios
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“Think globally, act locally” is a motto that Russell Kahn lives by with his art. He has been an art educator in public schools for the past 30 years and shows his own art in local venues, however inspiration for ideas and media comes from all over the globe. His father is from Capetown, South Africa, his mother is from Tel Aviv, Israel, and his stepmother is from Innsbruk, Austria. Prior to settling in Kayenta, Arizona , he lived in Maine, New York , South Africa , Boston , Tucson , and on the Chinle, Arizona. All of these places and cultures have contributed to who Russell Kahn is and how he sees the world. While teaching high school ceramics in Maine, Russell was successful in implementing the first statewide high school ceramics art show. Presently, he’s teaching middle school art in Kayenta, Arizona on the Navajo Reservation, 20 miles from Monument Valley. Russell has been an active trustee member with K12 Clay since 2017.
Board Members
- Glen Frick
- Bob Feder
- Ken and Nancy Ernst
- Keith Brockie
- Geoff Flash
- Steven Branfman
- Nicole Dubrow
- Judith Schwartz
- Lee Burningham
- Billie Sessions
- Robert Lawarre III
- Stephen Lewicki
- Sean Burns
- Russell Kahn
- Julie Neumann
- Matthew Wright
- Brandon Lutterman
- Todd Young
- Jake Zeiher
- Marko Biddle
- Reilly Deller
- Sean Burns